The average daily consumption of fruit and vegetables is around 200 grams 每日平均果蔬摄入量约为200克。
Through daily consumption, more Distributors are interacting with more consumers on a regular basis, and those consumers are experiencing product results. 通过每日消费,更多营销伙伴与更多顾客建立了稳固的关系,这些顾客不断体验着产品效果。
As the great strategy& "ruling the country by law" has been practiced, the legal consumption was concerned by the people more and more strongly, and becomes a daily consumption behavior. 法律消费更是因“依法治国”伟大治国方略的实践而越来越为百姓关注,成为我国居民的一种日常消费行为。
The rights and interests of consumers who buy or use commodities for purposes of daily consumption or those who receive services are protected by this law. 消费者为生活消费需要购买、使用商品或者接受服务,其权益受本法保护。
Immune system:-daily consumption of honey and cinnamon can strengthen the immune system and protect against bacteria and viruses. 每日食用蜂蜜和肉桂粉,可加强免疫系统及防护细菌及病毒的侵害。
Cost management is the daily consumption of enterprise management costs, including telephone costs, claims management and vehicle expenses. 费用管理是对企业日常的消费费用进行管理,包括电话费用、报销费用和车辆费用支出管理。
In the Doctor's little household, as in very many others, the articles of daily consumption that were wanted were purchased every evening, in small quantities and at various small shops. 跟许多家庭一样,医生小家庭的日用消费品是在晚上到各个小商店少量购买的。
Japanese have the habit of daily consumption of ginkgo. 日本人有每日食用白果的习惯。
Most people need to increase their daily consumption of fruit and vegetables. 大多数人需要增加每天水果和蔬菜的食用量。
He was ordered to cut down his daily consumption of food. 他遵嘱减少自己每天摄入的食物量。
In addition, the daily consumption of dairy products in more than one. 此外,在日常消费奶制品在多个。
The momentum analysis based on real survey data shows that its direct economic influence to local society lies in daily consumption and exhibiting expenditure of the exhibitors. 基于实际调查数据的动量分析表明:“义博会”对地方社会产生的直接经济影响,主要体现在参展人员的日常消费和设展支出两大方面。
One study, of blue-collar women workers, showed that daily consumption of bananas reduced their incidence of illness, while improving morale, attentiveness and energy levels. 一组针对蓝领女工的研究表明,每天食用香蕉不仅可以降低她们的患病率,且可提高她们的斗志、注意力和活力。
Low carbon daily consumption of the public is an important point to develop a low carbon economy and build a low carbon society. 公众日常消费的低碳化是发展低碳经济和建设低碳社会的重要支点。
As people's living standards and consumption of non-segment elevation changes in the concept, beverages has become a daily consumption of necessities. 随着人们生活水平的不段提高和消费观念的改变,饮料已成为人们日常消费的必须品。
On the other hand, social development, brought about in their daily consumption of consumer behavior and changes in demand, which is catering at the design must be taken into account. 另一方面,社会的发展,带来了消费者在日常消费行为及需求方面的变化,这也是在餐饮设计中必须要考虑的因素。
In the second part, it inspects the consumption pattern condition of the city middle class and describes and analyzes the durable consumable condition characteristics 、 the family daily consumption pattern characteristics and the individual daily consumption pattern characteristics of the city middle class. 第二部分,考察城市中产阶层的消费结构状况;描述和分析了城市中产阶层的耐用消费品拥有状况特征、家庭日常消费结构特征和个人日常消费结构特征。
With the development of Internet and information technology, intangible goods such as information products becomes more and more important in people 'daily consumption. 随着Internet和信息技术的发展,无形商品(例如信息产品)成为人们日常消费中日益重要的组成部分,信息产品的销售越来越得到人们的关注。
Secondly, popular culture has offered the resource of daily consumption and culture reproduction, formed the ordinary narration mode and realized the aesthetic daily life and the daily aesthetic cultures; 第二,大众文化提供了人们日常生活消费和文化再生产的资源,建构起平凡叙事模式,实现了日常生活审美化和文化审美日常化;
In the daily consumption pattern it manifests the different characteristics from the low-income social stratum. 在日常消费结构上体现出不同于低收入阶层的特征;
The author compares new consumers with their traditional counterpart from four aspects of their lifestyles: traditional values, media exposure, daily consumption and consumption of brand products. 在实证中对比研究了两组消费者生活方式的四个方面:传统价值观、日常消费、媒介接触、品牌认知的不同特征,是本研究的重要部分和基础。
At present, some related studies have already been focused on daily consumption behaviours of Chinese people. 目前,国内已有研究探讨中国日常生活中的消费主义行为,也有文章论述上海社会分层与居民消费行为。
Credit card has become a daily consumption payment tool. 信用卡已成为一种日常的消费支付工具。
Fragrant pear produced in korla area is an economically important fruit in daily consumption. 香梨产于库尔勒地区,是日常消费水果中重要的品种。
With the development of modern plastic industry, the plastics have been widely used in various industries. In some areas of industry, scientific research and daily consumption market, plastics have already replaced traditional raw materials, such as metal, glass and so on. 随着现代塑料工业的发展,塑料在各行各业中已经得到了越来越广泛的应用,在一些工业、科研、日常消费领域它已经代替了原来的金属和玻璃等传统原材料。
Since peasants are the subjects of the traditional society and the main creators of productivity, their daily consumption basically embodies the level of their material and spiritual development in English society. 农民作为传统社会的主体,生产力的主要创造者,其生活消费水平在基本层面上体现着英国社会经济发展的水平,物质和精神文明的程度。
Daily life is the general activities of daily consumption, daily communication and daily conception. 日常生活是旨在维持个体生存和再生产的日常消费活动、日常交往活动和日常观念活动的总称。
In living consumption, the government made the consumption norms corresponding to the hierarchy, referring to the basic necessities of life such daily consumption as weddings and funerals, and so on. 在生活性消费方面,唐政府制定了与等级制度对应的消费规范,涉及衣食住行和婚丧嫁娶等日常消费内容。